Full Episode 020: What Events Lead To The Second Coming Of The Messiah? | Inside The Epicenter

In today´s episode, join Joel Rosenberg to unpack one fascinating prophecy about the Middle East.

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Full Episode 018: The Russian-Iranian-Turkish Alliance (War of Gog & Magog) | Inside the Epicenter

War of Gog and Magog, the enemies who God will fight to reveal himself that will end in a period of peace.

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Mark 5: 1-20 | Joel C. Rosenberg | The Joshua Fund

Join Joel C. Rosenberg, Founder, and Chairman of The Joshua Fund, as he shares his insights on Mark 5:1-20. This teaching is from the 2018 Epicenter Prayer Summit. Location: Jerusalem, Israel

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From Episode 016: Absurd Positioning | Inside The Epicenter With Joel C. Rosenberg

Why Do Evangelicals Love Israel and the Jewish People? Carl Moeller and Joel Rosenberg talk about evangelicals and their passion and interest in Israel.

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Amidst brutal, tragic rocket war and riots, Israeli pastors and ministry leaders call for prayer

The Joshua Fund has been working to mobilize prayer for Jews and Arabs in the Holy Land during this dark moment -- your prayers are needed now.

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#GivingTuesday is upon us – would you consider partnering with us by providing a gift to The Joshua Fund? This has been a very dark year. As millions around the globe struggle with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

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What Is The Current Geopolitical Climate In Israel?

Joel C. Rosenberg, founder, and chairman of The Joshua Fund shares his perspective on the geopolitical climate in Israel during a recent Epicenter Briefing question and answer session.

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The Joshua Fund’s Board Of Directors Appoints Dr. Carl A. Moeller As New Executive Director

Dr. Carl A. Moeller to serve as new Executive Director, effective June 1, 2020. Dr. Moeller is a well-known and trusted leader in the global Evangelical ministry world.

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Epicenter Briefing

What does the Bible say is in store for Israel and the Middle East? Study the Scriptures and learn what the Lord is doing in Israel and the Middle East. Hear about what we’re seeing God do to build His Church.

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A Challenge: What Is God Asking Of Us? | Joel C. Rosenberg | The Joshua Fund

Joel C. Rosenberg, founder, and chairman of The Joshua Fund shares Biblical teaching from Matthew 24, including a message on giving, and a challenge to Christians.

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Ezekiel 38-39: The War Of Gog & Magog | Joel C. Rosenberg | The Joshua Fund

The Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund, Joel C. Rosenberg, teaches on prophecy concerning the War of Gog and Magog from Ezekiel 38 & 39 during an Epicenter Briefing Conference.

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Coronavirus Pandemic Is a Wake Up Call: Exclusive Joshua Fund Poll

We commissioned an exclusive national poll to better understand how Americans – non-Christians as well as followers of Jesus – view the crisis and whether it is altering their spiritual habits and interest in the Bible and prophecy.

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